2 Quick Ways To Lose Weight Faster!
2 Quick Ways To Lose Weight Faster!
So I was watching Andrew Huberman on a podcast about weight loss, and he said that people that fidget (like people that like to bounce their legs up and down while they sit and twiddle their fingers and pace back and forth) burn more calories than people who don't!
He mentioned it through a study that actually compared two groups where one group fidgeted a lot while another didn't fidget at all, and the group that fidgeted a lot apparently burned 800-2500 more calories than the group that didn't! That's so shocking for such a low-level movement like fidgeting! Percentage wise, it was about 20%-30% more calories burned, which is still a huge amount of more calories burned. I'm bouncing my leg up and down as I write this to burn more calories!
Cold Exposure
Another thing that Huberman said that you can do is to shiver, which is another form of low level movement. I won't go too far into the science here, but shivering stimulates fat loss because your body needs to use some of that fat to make some heat for your shivering body! It is done through the release of a chemical called Succinate through shivering, which is a potential weight-loss drug in the future to stimulate weight loss.
I'm not exactly sure on how Succinate works on a deep biochemistry level, but it works by stimulating some of your fat by telling them to burn more of themselves to use themselves as energy.
I just think this is fascinating, and the general procedure on how you can implement shivering is by forcing yourself to go into a cold shower, then get out of the cold shower without drying off, then go back into the cold shower. You should be shivering like a bobble head for every "rep" of cold exposure you would do here. I haven't personally tried this yet, but I will try it tonight when I take a shower!
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